Convert Image Files Via Command Line With Total Image Converter
Usage: ImageConverter.exe <source> <destination> <options>
If you have path with spaces, use quotation marks.
By the way You can use macroses in the Destination path
- <DATE[:format]> - current date, default format is yyyymmdd
- <TIME[:format]> - current time, default format hhmmss
For example: destination C:\<DATE>_<TIME:hhmm> produce file C:\20170905_1032Options:
- -lang - Used language
- ar - Arabic (United Arab Emirates)
- cs - Czech (Czech Republic)
- da - Danish (Denmark)
- de - German (Germany)
- es - Spanish (Spain, Traditional Sort)
- fr - French (France)
- it - Italian (Italy)
- ja - Japanese (Japan)
- ko - Korean (Korea)
- nl - Dutch (Netherlands)
- pt - Portuguese (Portugal)
- ru - Russian (Russia)
- sv - Swedish (Sweden)
- zh - Chinese (Simplified, China)
- en - English (United States)
- -log - Don`t show errors. Write them to the log file
- -verbosity - Log file verbosity
- error - Write to log file only errors (default)
- detail - Write detailed log file
- -logmode - Log file mode
- overwrite - Overwrite (default)
- append - Append
- -xmllog - XML format log file name
- -list - File with files mask to convert. Simple text file, each file on new line
- -Recurse:off - Include subfolders
- -do - Delete originals
- -kfs - Keep folder structure
- -kfl:off - Keep folder level
- -fo - Force overwrite existed files
- -threads - Multi thread processing (0 - auto)
- -limit - Limit converted files to count
- -combine:off - Combine all files into one document (pdf, tiff)
- -ds:off - Copy original date stamps to converted documents
- -sort - Sort source file list
- unsorted - Unsorted, natural order (default)
- name - Sort by file name
- date - Sort by file modification date
- numbers - Sort by numbers in file name
- -ext - Use custom extension for output files
- -optionfile - text file with options to use, "opt=value", one line - one option definition
- -c - Convert to
- PDF - convert to PDF
- TIF - convert to TIF
- BMP - convert to BMP
- PNG - convert to PNG
- JPG - convert to JPG
- JPG2000 - convert to JPG2000
- ICO - convert to ICO
- GIF - convert to GIF
- PCX - convert to PCX
- TGA - convert to TGA
- PXM - convert to PXM
- WebP - convert to WebP
- PS - convert to PS
- PCL - convert to PCL
- XPS - convert to XPS
- PPTX - convert to PPTX
- AVS - convert to AVS
- CIN - convert to CIN
- DOT - convert to DOT
- DPX - convert to DPX
- FITS - convert to FITS
- HDF - convert to HDF
- MIFF - convert to MIFF
- MTV - convert to MTV
- Palm - convert to Palm
- RAW - convert to RAW
- PICT - convert to PICT
- SGI - convert to SGI
- SUN - convert to SUN
- VICAR - convert to VICAR
- VIFF - convert to VIFF
- XBM - convert to XBM
- XPM - convert to XPM
- -cimt - Combine images to multipage document
- none - Every image to separate file
- onefile - All images to one file
- folder - Separate files by folders
- name - Separate files by common name part
- -npr - Range you want to analyze for grouping files by name
- -s - Resize to <Width>x<Height>
- -o - Rotate
- tr - top / right side
- br - bottom / right side
- bl - bottom / left side
- lt - left side / top
- rt - right side / top
- rb - right side / bottom
- lb - left side / bottom
- -crop - Crop to <Left>x<Top>-<Right>x<Bottom>
- -bkgnd - Color (html format) used to convert transparent image to non-transparent, e.g. png to jpeg
- -cl - BMP colors
- bw - black & white
- gray - grayscale
- 16 - 16 colors
- 256 - 256 colors
- 64K - 65536 colors
- true - true colors
- 32bit - 32bit bitmap with transparency
- -pclm - PCL mode
- mono - Monoschrome
- gray - Grayscale
- color - Color
- -tc - TIFF Image Compression
- Uncompressed - uncompressed TIFF
- LZW - LZW compression
- RLE - RLE compression (packbits)
- JPEG - JPEG compression
- CCITT1D - Bilevel Huffman compression (CCITT1D)
- G3FAX1D - Bilevel Group 3 CCITT compression, monodimensional (G3FAX1D)
- G3FAX2D - Bilevel Group 3 CCITT compression, bidimensional (G3FAX2D)
- G4FAX - Bilevel Group 4 CCITT compression, bidimensional (G4FAX)
- -tiffpi - TIFF Photometric interpretation
- wz - White is zero
- bz - Black is zero
- rgb - RGB
- pal - RGB Palette
- mask - Transparent mask
- cmyk - CMYK
- ycbcr - YCBCR
- cielab - CIELAB
- -dpi - Image DPI
- -tjq - TIFF JPEG Quality (1-100)
- -TM - Top Margin (inches)
- -LM - Left Margin (inches)
- -BM - Bottom Margin (inches)
- -RM - Right Margin (inches)
- -po - Paper Orientation
- Portrait - Portrait
- Landscape - Landscape
- -ps - Paper size
- Letter - Letter
- LetterSmall - LetterSmall
- Tabloid - Tabloid
- Ledger - Ledger
- Legal - Legal
- Statement - Statement
- Executive - Executive
- Folio - Folio
- A0 - A0
- A1 - A1
- A2 - A2
- A3 - A3
- A4 - A4
- A4Small - A4Small
- A5 - A5
- B4 - B4
- B5 - B5
- Quarto - Quarto
- EnvC5 - Envelope C5
- EnvC3 - Envelope C3
- EnvC4 - Envelope C4
- EnvC6 - Envelope C6
- EnvB4 - Envelope B4
- EnvB5 - Envelope B5
- EnvB6 - Envelope B6
- EnvMonarch - Envelope Monarch
- Custom - Custom, you need to set paper dimensions
- -pd - Custom paper size dimensions in mm <width>x<height>
- -jq - JPEG Quality
- -jsc - JPEG Color space
- rgb - Separate RGB channels
- gray - Unique intensity channel (gray levels)
- ycbcr - Three channels (CCIR Recommendation 601-1)
- cmyk - Four channels (Cyan Magenta Yellow Black) - linear conversion
- ycbcrk - Four channels (YCbCr and Black)
- -autosize - The size of the document pages will be calculated automatically
- -fitpage:off - Fit drawing to page
- -pc - PDF file compression
- Fastest - Fastest compression
- Normal - Normal compression
- Maximum - Maximum compression
- -pvl - PDF initial page layout
- sp - Single page
- oc - One column
- tcol - Two columns, odd-numbered pages on left
- tcor - Two columns, odd-numbered pages on right
- tpol - Two pages, odd-numbered pages on left
- tpor - Two pages, odd-numbered pages on right
- -pvm - PDF initial page mode
- normal - Normal view
- outlines - Show the outlines pane
- thumbnails - Show the thumbnails pane
- fullscreen - Show the document in full screen mode
- optional - Optional content group panel visible
- attachments - Attachments panel visible
- -mp - PDF master (owner) password
- -up - PDF user password
- -perm - PDF user permissions
- Print - Print
- Copy - Copy
- Modify - Modify
- Annotation - Annotation
- FormFill - FormFill
- Accessibility - Accessibility
- DocAssembly - DocAssembly
- HighResPrint - HighResPrint
- -PFXFile - PFX File for sign document
- -PFXPass - The password to open the PFX file
- -SignName - The name of the signature field to sign
- -SignLoc - The location that the signing was done
- -SignCon - The contact information of the signer
- -SignRes - The reason for signing document
- -PDFAuthor - PDF document author
- -PDFSubject - PDF document subject
- -PDFTitle - PDF document title
- -PDFProducer - PDF document Producer
- -pdfa:off - PDF/A compatibility mode
- -pdfver - PDF document format version 1.2 - 1.6
- -pdfzoom - PDF document default page zoom
- default - default
- fitwindow - fit to window
- fitwidth - fit width
- 10 - 10%
- 25 - 25%
- 50 - 50%
- 75 - 75%
- 100 - 100%
- 150 - 150%
- 200 - 200%
- 400 - 400%
- -pdflimit - Limit size of PDF to <limit>
- -maxpages - Process only <pages> from multipage image file
- -pci - Image compression for PDF
- Uncompressed - Uncompressed
- Rle - Rle
- G4fax - G4fax
- G3fax2d - G3fax2d
- -wmt - Watermark text
- -wmr - Watermark rotate angle
- -wtr - Watermark transparency (0-100)
- -wmf - Watermark font [name,size,color]
- -wmh - Watermark horizontal position
- Left - Left
- Center - Center
- Right - Right
- -wmv - Watermark vertical position
- Top - Top
- Center - Center
- Bottom - Bottom
- -wmm - Watermark margins [left,top,right,bottom]
- -wif - Watermark image file name