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Convert HTML To JPG Command Line

Buy Total HTML Converter X NOW!
(only $750.00)
command line html converter

Windows 98/2000/NT/XP/2003/Vista/7

Interface languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Russian, Dutch, Swedish, Italian, Portuguese, Czech, Japanese, Chinese, Korean

If you need to turn HTML pages into compact graphics, converting them to JPG is a perfect way to do this. If such functionality lacks in your own web service, you can integrate Total HTML ConverterX into it, and make it available in multi-user mode. The utility works on a web server, and with the help of ActiveX it can easily become a part of other web-based application. A server-oriented HTML to JPG command line utility is also useful for a local network, where all conversions can be processed from one single license.

Using Total HTML ConverterX is similar to using the desktop version in command line mode. The command looks the same and includes such parts:

  • Utility invocation
  • Location of source HTML pages
  • Location for the future JPG copies
  • Conversion parameters (format, layout settings, compression mode, etc.)

command line html converter

In the coded way all this may look like this:

D:\Documents\*.htm C:\Graphics\*.jpg –c jpeg.

This means that all HTM files from D:\Documents folder will be converted to JPG images that will be stored in C:\Graphics folder.

This command line HTML converter is very easy in use. All conversion parameters have simple codes. After little practice you will remember all required values. For instance, if you need to combine all sources into one single file for conversion, simply write ‘-combine' after the target format. As a result you will get one JPEG image that contains all HTML sources.

If you need a specific type of date converted separately from the rest of HTML pages, you can do this with the help of Total HTML ConverterX. You can render also the shape, i.e. all data items will be structured similarly like they are in HTML sources.

As you see, this convert HTML to JPG command line tool is very flexible, being able to work in the way a user specifically needs. Try it right now!

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(only $750.00)
   Updated Fri, 05 Jul 2024
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