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Convert HTM to Unicode Text Command Line

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server htm converter

download server htm converter

Windows Vista/7/8/10/11


There is no better way to make HTM files more compact than convert them to TXT. If you need to convert HTM to Unicode text on a server, try Total HTML ConverterX that provides high-quality and quick conversion. It is a highly reliable server tool for batch conversion of web pages to the following text formats:

  • Unicode text
  • TXT
  • DOC
  • PDF
  • RTF
  • XLS

Besides conversion to texts, this server HTM converter offers a range of graphic formats, such as JPEG, TIFF and PNG. The process of exporting web pages to any format is similar. You need to send a command to script on a server and that's all. As batch conversion is supported, you can process all HTML files by one single command. For server based HTM conversion no GUI is available, but you can integrate the one, if such need occurs. For this ActiveX should be used.

When you export web pages to a plain text, the program automatically renders text information only. No URLs to images or other service information will be exported to TXT copies. Only a couple of convert HTM to Unicode text command line parameters are required:

Green PlusDestination for the desired TXT copies

Green PlusLocation of the HTM sources

Green PlusThe target format (TXT)

Each HTM page will be exported to a separate TXT file. The converted files will be named similarly to the originals. As a variant, you can combine all the sources into one TXT copy. This feature is used when you need to save parts of one report or article together. When you convert MHT via command line, the parameters work for you: use any you need and skip the rest.

Total HTML ConverterX can be used as a library for developing your own MHT converters. Its code is compatible with various programming languages. This will make the development significantly faster. Download it here and use for your own benefit!

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   Updated Fri, 05 Jul 2024
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