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Total PDF PrinterX

TotalPDFPrinterX: Streamline your printing tasks with the Server Batch PDF Printer powered by ActiveX.

Server Batch PDF Printer With ActiveX

2012/2016/2019/2022 Server

Total PDF Printerx is a web-server solution to print many PDF files in batches via command line or ActiveX.

Total PDF Printer X is the best way to automatically print dozens of PDF files on web-servers. You set the command line and leave it do the job. Total PDF PrinterX does not interfere with any other applications and does not require your attention (silent printing).

  • Total PDF PrinterX can print PDF files by file date or time order.
  • Unique option - Separator sheet. The app adds a blank page or any file you choose in between documents. It's great for duplex printing. The files with an odd number of pages are safe. Besides, separator sheets help you to divide documents in the stack of your printer.
  • Auto-rotate and fit-to-page options help you process a lot of different PDF files in one go.
  • The app can also add page numbers or any text watermarks (copywrite info, company name, etc.) to each sheet.

Note that Total PDF PrinterX runs on Windows servers only.

Download your full evaluation copy now and test it on your files. Batch PDF printing tasks can be much easier than you think.

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(includes 30 day FREE trial)

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(only $450.00)

Examples of Total PDF Printer X

Print PDF files With PDFPrinterX and .NET

string src="C:\\test\\test1.pdf";
string dest="Name Of Printer";

PDFPrinterX Cnv = new PDFPrinterX();
Cnv.Print(src, dest, "-log c:\\Printer.log");

MessageBox.Show("Print complete!");

Download .NET PDF Printer example

Print PDF Files With Total PDF PrinterX and ASP.NET

dim C
Set C=CreateObject("PDFPrinter.PDFPrinterX")
C.Print "c:\test\source.PDF", "Name of Printer", "-log c:\test\PrintPDF.log"
set C = nothing

Print PDF Files by PDF Printer X ActiveX

Example PHP:
$Printer="My Printer Name";
if (file_exists($dest)) unlink($dest);
$c= new COM("PDFPrinter.PDFPrinterX");
$c->Print($src, $Printer, "-ps A4 -NumCopy 2");
if ($c->ErrorMessage=="") echo "OK"; else echo "fail:".$c->ErrorMessage;

Print PDF files With PDFPrinterX and Ruby

require 'win32ole'
c = WIN32OLE.new('PDFPrinter.PDFPrinterX')

dest="Name Of Printer";

c.Print(src,dest, "-log c:\\test\\PDFPrinter.log");

if not File.exist?(dest)
  puts c.ErrorMessage

Print PDF files With PDFPrinterX and Python

import win32com.client
import os.path

c = win32com.client.Dispatch("PDFPrinter.PDFPrinterX")

dest="Name Of Printer";

c.Print(src, dest, "-log c:\\test\\PDFPrinter.log");

if not os.path.exists(file_path):

Print PDF files With PDFPrinterX and Pascal

uses Dialogs, Vcl.OleAuto;

  c: OleVariant;
  Source: String;
  C.Print(Source, 'Name Of Printer', '-log c:\test\PDFPrinter.log');
  IF c.ErrorMessage<> Then

Print PDF files With PDFPrinterX and Perl

use Win32::OLE;

my $src="C:\\test\\test1.pdf";
my $dest="Name Of Printer";

my $c = CreateObject Win32::OLE 'PDFPrinter.PDFPrinterX';
$c->Print($src,$dest, "-log c:\\test\\PDFPrinter.log");
print $c->ErrorMessage if -e $dest;


Total PDF PrinterX Customer Reviews 2024

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Rated 4.7/5 based on customer reviews
5 Star

"Scanprint Logistics is a warehouse, where we store and distribute products for our customers. We are using TotalPDFPrinterX together with TotalFolderMonitor to automate printing of PDF-files from our customers and our ERP-system. Our customers upload PDF-files (EG. Invoices) to our FTP-server, and then TotalPDFprinterX prints them out, so we can include them with the goods we send out."

5 Star Frants Erikstrup

"After installed the version of TotalPDFPrinter and TotalPDFPrinterX not issues were found, so my feedback is very positive. We are just starting the use of this new version (we already used a previous version) and in case we have questions I'll take care to send you a message. Thanks and best regards."

5 Star Silverio Pattuelli
Ravenna, Italy

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Updated Sat, 22 Jun 2024

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(only $450.00)

Pro Suite

Key Features Of Full Registered Version

  • Silent Printing
  • Provides access via ActiveX interface for all legacy programming languages (Visual Basic 6 or Delphi) as well as scripting (i.e. VBscript).
  • Any language that supports Web Services including .NET (2.00, 3.5, 4.00), Ruby, PHP and Java is supported.
  • Print PDF files by file date/time
  • Alphabetical Printing
  • Command Line support
  • Custom Order List
  • No need to use Adobe Acrobat
  • Multithreading ActiveX
  • Download C# Examples

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