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PDF SplitterX

Split PDF files on web-servers

PDF Splitter X - Ultimate Web Server Solution by CoolUtils

2012/2016/2019/2022 Server

PDF SplitterX is a server-based solution to split PDF files by pages. It runs silently on your server and does not produce any interrupting messages. PDF SplitterX can extract pages in different ways:
  • Extract all pages from a multi-page PDF file/files
  • Extract only selected pages (i.e. 1,3,6-10)
  • Extract odd or even pages
  • Split PDF file by bookmarks
  • Split PDF by blank pages
PDF SplitterX will also re-arrange PDF pages. For example it will split 10-page PDF file and create a new document every 2 pages. So you get 5 two-page PDF documents instead of 1 ten-page file.

Extracted PDF pages can be renamed for your convenience. The default renaming template [Name].page#.pdf. So if you split Report.pdf, the split files will look like Report.page1.pdf, Report.page2.pdf, etc.

The unique option of PDF SplitterX is splitting PDF files by blank pages. The program will scan the PDF file and split it when it finds a blank page. Users can also set the number of blank pages in a row for a new document. I.e. PDF SplitterX will split the PDF file only if there are 2 blank pages in a row.

PDF SplitterX can also provide you with a detailed report (in PDF, TXT, CSV, HTML, XLS formats) about your PDF files. It's the easiest way to know all the info about PDF files: name, file size, author, subject, title, page size, number of pages.

PDF SplitterX is the most powerful yet affordable solution to split PDF files on Windows web or SQL servers. Download your evaluation copy now and test it for 30 days.

Looking for server-based solutions? Discover a range of server products tailored for robust performance at CoolUtils Server Products.

support policySupport and Upgrades.
Read our support policy to find out support or upgrades options for PDF SplitterX. New registered users get 1 year of software maintenance for free.

Useful add-ons:  
PdfCombineCustomization PDF SplitterX tailored to YOUR needs.
  • If you have a special requirement
  • If you want additional options

Contact us. We will gladly enhance PDF Splitter so that it fit your needs perfectly. Customization is often free to our customers.

Success stories.

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(only $459.90)

Examples of PDF Splitter X

Split PDF files With PDFCombineX and .NET

string src="C:\\test\\test1.pdf";
string dest="C:\\test\\DestFolder\\";

PDFSplitterX Cnv = new PDFSplitterX();
Cnv.Convert(src, dest, "-c PDF -log c:\\test\\Splitter.log");

MessageBox.Show("Convert complete!");

Download .NET PDF Combine example

Split PDF files With PDFSplitterX and ASP

dim C
Set C=CreateObject("PDFSplitter.PDFSplitterX")
C.Convert "c:\source1.pdf", "c:\Dest Folder\", "-fo"
set C = nothing

Split PDF files With PDFSplitterX and PHP

if (file_exists($dest)) unlink($dest);
$c= new COM("PDFSplitter.PDFSplitterX");
$c->convert($src,$dest, "-c PDF -log c:\doc.log");
if (file_exists($dest)) echo "OK"; else echo "fail:".$c->ErrorMessage;

Split PDF files With PDFSplitterX and Ruby

require 'win32ole'
c = WIN32OLE.new('PDFSplitter.PDFSplitterX')


c.convert(src,dest, "-c PDF -log c:\\test\\PDFSplitter.log");

if not File.exist?(dest)
  puts c.ErrorMessage

Split PDF files With PDFSplitterX and Python

import win32com.client
import os.path

c = win32com.client.Dispatch("PDFSplitter.PDFSplitterX")


c.convert(src, dest, "-c PDF -log c:\\test\\PDFSplitter.log");

if not os.path.exists(file_path):

Split PDF files With PDFSplitterX and Pascal

uses Dialogs, Vcl.OleAuto;

  c: OleVariant;
  Source: String;
  C.Convert(Source, 'c:\DestFolder', '-cPDF -log c:\test\PDFSplitter.log');
  IF c.ErrorMessage<> Then

Split PDF files With PDFSplitterX and Perl

use Win32::OLE;

my $src="C:\\test\\test1.pdf";
my $dest="C:\\DestFolder";

my $c = CreateObject Win32::OLE 'PDFSplitter.PDFSplitterX';
$c->convert($src,$dest, "-c pdf  -log c:\\test\\PDFSplitter.log");
print $c->ErrorMessage if -e $dest;

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Updated Sat, 22 Jun 2024

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(only $459.90)

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