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Use the DBF to PDF Online Converter or get our batch app for faster work!


1) Upload DBF file to convert


Drop files here, or Click to select
0 %

Allowed file types: ris, bib, ods, xls, xlsx, xlsm, csv, tsv, tab, xlsb, xltx, xlr, pxl, qpw, wb3, wq1, dbf, wk3, 123, mdb, gnu, pages, numbers, sqlite, gdb

2) Set converting DBF to PDF options

Convert to




3) Get converted file

Full version
Get Total Excel Converter to convert XLS, XLSX, ODT, XLSM, etc. safely.

Excel Converter To Convert Spreadsheets
  • Convert Excel Files in Batch!;
  • Convert hundreds of spreadsheets in 3 clicks;
  • Both MS Office and OpenOffice files;
  • Have a desktop converter that works without Internet;
  • Keep your files safe, don't send them to the web;
  • Get more accurate results with the more poweful engine.
See features
NOW 20% OFF - $59.90 $41.93
*Only this month. Not for resellers.
close Total Excel Converter
okTotal Excel Converter supports almost all Excel extensions: XLS, XLSX, XLSM, XLSB, XLT, XLTM, XLTX, XLK, XLW. When the new Office is released, we will add new file types too.
okWith Total Excel Converter you can convert Excel to PDF and add a digital signature in one go.
okTotal Excel Converter can convert each page of your spreadsheet into a separate file.
okTell Total Excel Converter to copy original time stamps if you don't want to change the date.
okHave an outdated Microsoft Office 2003? Update all your old files to the new format in one go. Convert XLS files to XLSX in batches.
okTotal Excel Converter will help you to convert Excel 2003 XML Files (rare option!)
okTotal Excel Converter has a built-in renamer to give your files new descriptive names. Include a counter, a date or worksheet name into the file name and your files will be in perfect order.
okConvert Excel spread sheets via our most straightforward interface.
okThe widest list of output file types: DOC, PDF, HTML, MHT, XHTML, CSV, TXT, TIFF, JPEG, SVG, RTF, XML, XLS, XLSX, ODS, ODT, Lotus, DIFF, SYLK, LATEX, SQL, DBF, Access!
okTotal Excel Converter can combine several Excel spread sheets into one TIFF or PDF file.
okWant to quickly find a file? Total Excel Converter helps you to preview any document you select.
okAdd your logo or any other image to the header or the footer of the output file.
okWant more order? Add page counters or a date to every page of the output files. Sequential numbering of several folders is avaialble.
okTotal Excel Converter can copy original time stamps if you want to keep them.
okWhen you convert Excel to PDF you can set user permissions, password-protect your files or sign with a digital signature. Get PDF, PDF/A and non-searchable PDFs.
okTotal Excel Converter can be run via command line (get the ready-to-use command line from GUI).

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Cloud Based
There's no need to install any software to convert a file with CoolUtils. Simply access the internet, and you can easily convert your file online with our service.
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Our hardware operates in top-tier, highly secure data centers equipped with advanced electronic surveillance and multi-factor access control systems.
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Ease of Use
Our hardware operates in top-tier, highly secure data centers equipped with advanced electronic surveillance and multi-factor access control systems.
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We understand the importance of privacy, which is why we've developed a comprehensive privacy policy detailing how we handle your files and personal information. You can read the policy here.


DBF File

File extension .DBF
CategoryDocument File
DescriptionDBF is a standard used for storing and sending/receiving database, and it can be done with the help of a variety of database-oriented programs. Each DBF features a header outlining the file scheme, and so called records arranged in a table-like manner. These records are flagged with a byte supplying the piece of data with a byte mark to distinguish it either as subject to removal or not. In case this mark is a space, the object will remain in the file. The asterisk mark defines the record as subject to deletion. It is not impossible to bring back a deleted element unless it has been commanded to be removed irreversibly.
Associated programsFoxPro
Visual FoxPro
Developed by
MIME type
Useful linksMore detailed information on DBF files

PDF File

File extension .PDF
CategoryDocument File
DescriptionAdobe Systems Portable Document Format (PDF) format provides all the contents of a printed document in electronic form, including text and images, as well as technical details like links, scales, graphs, and interactive content.

You can open this file in free Acrobat Reader and scroll through the page or the entire document, which is generally one or more pages. The PDF format is used to save pre-designed periodicals, brochures, and flyers.

Associated programsAdobe Viewer
CoolUtils PDF Viewer
Developed byAdobe Systems
MIME typeapplication/pdf
Useful linksMore detailed information on PDF files
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Online DBF to PDF conversion

Imagine a world where databases and documents walk hand-in-hand, a world where the structured meets the narrated. That's exactly the terrain we navigate when converting DBF to PDF.

DBF: The Silent Workhorse

DBF (Database File) is often considered the unsung hero of the digital world. Primarily associated with the venerable dBase software, but used by many other systems, DBF files are compact and efficient ways of storing structured data.

PDF: The World's Document

In contrast, PDF (Portable Document Format) is the universal document format designed to present text and images in a way that is independent of software, hardware, and operating systems.

The Quest for Conversion

So, why would one wish to convert a DBF file to PDF? Perhaps it's for ease of sharing complex data, or maybe for archival purposes. Often, it's about bridging the gap between data analysts and everyday users.

Online Alchemy

Online conversion tools act as magicians in this cross-format journey. With a few clicks, the structured becomes the presentable, the rigid becomes the flexible.

Proceed with Caution

Though convenient, the process is not without its perils. One must be cautious of data integrity and confidentiality, especially when using online tools.


Converting DBF to PDF is like translating poetry to prose; the essence remains, but the form changes. It allows us to move data from the specialist's desktop to the public domain, making it accessible and understandable to a wider audience.

Is it safe to convert DBF to PDF Online?

Our tool converts an uploaded copy of your original file. The original file stays on your computer and is unaffected by the process. There is no risk of data loss by conversion.

Also, your data is safe with us. We delete all uploads from our servers after one hour. In other words, an hour after you upload your files, those files are purged from our servers forever. You don't need to worry about your content being stored on the server.


How to convert DBF to PDF?

  1. Upload Your File: Go to the site, click on «Upload File,» and select your DBF file.
  2. Set Conversion Options: Choose PDF as the output format and adjust any additional options if needed.
  3. Convert and Download: Click «Download Converted File» to get your PDF file.

Convert to PDF

Using CoolUtils, it is possible to convert a variety of other formats to PDF files:

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